Tezos vs. EOS: An Unbiased Comparison

January 30, 2022


Blockchain technology has revolutionized various industries by offering secure, peer-to-peer transactions. Two prominent blockchain platforms are Tezos and EOS, which are becoming the preferred choices for many developers and users. But what makes these blockchain platforms unique, and which is the better choice for you? In this article, we will provide a factual, unbiased comparison of Tezos and EOS to help you make informed decisions.


Tezos is an open-source blockchain platform developed in 2014. It was created to offer a self-developing, proof-of-stake platform that enables developers to create smart contracts with ease. Tezos uses a delegated proof of stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm, allowing token holders to vote on proposed governance changes.

Key Features of Tezos

  • Smart Contract functionality
  • Formal verification for smart contracts
  • Self-amendment mechanism
  • Uses a Delegated Proof of Stake consensus mechanism
  • Self-governance through community voting


EOS is a blockchain platform that has gained significant popularity due to its speed, scalability, and low transaction fees. It was created to provide developers with the necessary tools to create decentralized applications(DApps) with ease. EOS uses a delegated proof of stake consensus mechanism, which means that token holders vote to elect block producers.

Key Features of EOS

  • High transaction speeds
  • Low transaction fees
  • Scalable to support thousands of transactions per second.
  • High level of developer support
  • Self-governance through community voting


Consensus Mechanism

Both Tezos and EOS use a delegated proof of stake consensus algorithm, but they differ in the way they implement it.

Tezos uses a Liquid Proof of Stake (LPoS) mechanism that allows token holders to participate in governance by voting to elect validators. EOS, on the other hand, uses a Delegated Proof of Stake mechanism where token holders elect 21 block producers who have the power to validate transactions.

Speed and Scalability

One of EOS's key selling points is its speed and scalability. EOS can process thousands of transactions per second, whereas Tezos can handle up to 40 TPS. EOS also has lower transaction fees compared to Tezos, making it a more cost-effective option for high-frequency transactions.


Tezos has built-in formal verification, which allows developers to mathematically prove the correctness of their smart contracts before launching them on the network. EOS, on the other hand, relies on its block producers to ensure the security and integrity of the network.


Tezos has a self-amendment function that allows for changes to be made to the blockchain, including protocol updates and governance changes, without the need for hard forks. EOS, on the other hand, has a more traditional governance system that relies on block producers and token holders to vote on protocol changes.


Choosing the right blockchain platform depends on your specific needs. If speed and scalability are essential, then EOS is an excellent platform to work with. However, if security and self-governance are critical, then Tezos offers a more robust platform with community-oriented governance.


[1]Tezos official website https://tezos.com/

[2]EOS official website https://eos.io/

[3]Tezos blockchain explorer https://tzstats.com/

[4]EOS blockchain explorer https://bloks.io/

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